About This Course
This course shares training to help you to determine if, and which, rights exist in your collection items. This is an essential first step before one can assign an accurate rights statement. It is the first of three blocks of training, and is followed by the course on the available rights statements used by Europeana and the course on how to select an accurate rights statement.
Learning goals
By reading through this page and testing your knowledge through the quizzes, you will understand:
- that not everything that is held by a cultural heritage institution is protected by copyright
- that multiple copyright layers exist in a work
- that copyright is not automatically transferred through obtention of an (physical) item
- that there are restrictions or ethical considerations beyond copyright that are worth considering
- that in most cases, no rights can or should be claimed on digitisation
You will also learn about:
- some of the criteria to make a simple public domain calculation
- the legal safeguards that a cultural heritage institution can rely on to use digital cultural heritage in their activities, and the limits of those safeguards
- how to obtain permission, where necessary, to make digital cultural heritage available online and facilitate its reuse